Monday, July 13, 2009

You Can Make Your Dream of Flying a Reality

You Can Make Your Dream of Flying a Reality
By Jeffrey Synk

There is a club that formed many years ago which called itself "The Man Will Never Fly Society." These skeptics, as it turns out, are a frivolous group whose real charter is to get together and drink and put down the notion that humans could fly. But, as you know, millions of people fly every year and most people know someone that has flown as a passenger in some form in their lives.

But the question you have to ask yourself is if YOU are going to be part of the "I will never fly society."

So, have ever wondered if it would be possible for you to get your pilot's license and actually fly an airplane by yourself? It really may seem like a dream that is out of reach but let me assure you, it's not!

We all have dreams. As a child you might have dreamed of being one of King Arthur's knights or maybe a fairy princess or even a super hero, but alas those dreams seem to pass as time goes by. But some dreams may start in childhood and may stay with you for a long, long time. But some dreams may be more than just childhood fantasies. There may be a deep inner voice telling you your destiny in life is to fly airplanes. For a lot of people, the dream of flying NEVER goes away, even if you stop talking about it when you "grow up."

I remember when my grandfather took me up in a Piper Cub off a grass strip in the middle of nowhere. I was eight and from that moment on, I loved airplanes.

So, that dream you have of one day learning to fly may be that inner voice in you telling you that this is something you were born to do and that will fulfill you, as a person. In essence, you must figure out a way to someday fulfill that dream and learn to fly. That doesn't mean you are going to become a full time pilot for a major airline, although if that is your goal, that's great. Maybe being able to fly will enable you to do good things for a charitable organization or mission. Perhaps it will free you to see the world or to do some good for someone that you cannot even imagine doing right now. Whatever the case, it might be time to find out what is holding you back from going after that dream and get you moving down that path to see the dream of flying become...a reality!

Here is an example of someone that followed their dream.I have one friend who started taking flying lessons from me because it was a "dream" of his. He sold insurance, but wasn't very happy doing it. Eventually, he quite his insurance job and got all his ratings and certificates and now makes a living flying charter airplanes and he couldn't be happier.

In a lot of cases, we are awed when we look into the cockpit of an aircraft after a commercial flight, all of those dials, buttons, knobs and levers seem so overwhelming. You look at the pilot and you think, "How can they keep it all straight?" And then you feel the urge to fly an airplane, you think that it's impossible because how could you ever conquer the technical knowledge needed to operate a complicated thing like an airplane?

Often, the thing holding us back is simply not knowing where to start. We fear that the "society of pilots" is an elite group and that we just don't have the right stuff to become a pilot. Call it what you will: insecurity, fear of trying, fear of failing or the fear that we aren't smart enough, are all ingredients that keep you wondering and never taking the steps and going for it. However, when we begin to replace those fears with reality, you will see a whole different picture emerge.

The truth is that the path to learning to fly is one that is well known and well tested. In fact, thousands of people every year learn to fly by going to their local airport, finding a flight school, taking their ground school classes and then flying with a skilled flight instructor to learn how to fly an airplane. It is not only possible, it's relatively easy thing to do and the schools are ready and willing to give you the knowledge and skills to realize your dream. All you have to do is pick up the phone and schedule a "Discovery Flight." And within a few weeks, you too could be flying an airplane...just like that "kid-in-you" always dreamed of.

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